Excellence and Ambition Academy

Being a part of the Stamford Park Trust family gives students exclusive access to the Excellence and Ambition Academy.

As part of Stamford Park Trust we want every child to be ambitious, reach their aspirations and be the very best they can be. We have developed a bespoke programme available to all students across the Trust to ensure students have the opportunity to develop and thrive.

Through the Excellence and Ambition Academy, students will partner with Ashton Sixth Form College and will benefit from a support programme starting in Year 7 through to Year 11 and then beyond if they progress to Ashton Sixth Form College. The opportunities offered by the Academy will be linked to the school’s careers education to explore their skills and personality and create their employability profile before learning about their next steps and potential careers prospects.

Through trips and visits, guest speakers, workshops and much more students are able to plan and take charge of their own future, no matter what that may be.

In Year 7 students will visit Ashton Sixth Form College to explore different types of skills. They will take part in fun and engaging workshops where they’ll discover what skills they already have and what they may need to work on going forward.

In Year 8 students will have a chance to become more self aware, reflecting on what they learnt about themselves and see if they notice anything different. This year they’ll have the chance to see how they can turn their personality and skills into a career. With insight from industry professionals from some of the most sought after industries, students will see how their ambitions can become a reality.

In line with the options process, Year 9 is where students may start to feel overwhelmed. Our Year 9 session supports students with what their next steps may be, taking everything, they have learnt about themselves so far and understanding how decisions they make affect their future. With jargon-busting and pathways from options to A-Level and employment, the programme will support students to make the process easier.

Throughout years 10 and 11, it really is time to start looking at college and apprenticeship applications. Taster days, bespoke careers and interview support will help students to not only decide on their chosen route but also make their application. They will have access to further opportunities to help make their decision with visits to college, work experience and exclusive access to employability and curriculum lead events held at Ashton Sixth Form College to develop everything they have discovered about themselves so far.

There is greater strength in our collaboration and we are proud to be able to share the expertise our staff hold across the whole of Stamford Park Trust. With our vision of ‘Excellence and Ambition for all’ we will ensure our students reach their full potential.