Rayner Stephens Mark British Science Week

British Science Week is a ten-day celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths which took place from 10-19th March and Rayner Stephens marked the occasion with many events across school!
This year’s theme was connections; by exploring the importance and joy in connections between individual scientists, research groups and institutions, you could discover the different ways connections appear across all areas of science.
To get ready for the week, students were tasked with finding some missing equipment needed for science experiments. 10 pieces of Science equipment were hidden around school for students to find. Well done to all students who used their detective skills and received a prize:
Cameron (Year 8)
Rydell (Year 8)
Alfie (Year 7)
Dylan (Year 8)
Logan (Year 8)
Hassan (Year 8)
Lilya (Year 8)
Thomas (Year 7)
Abbas (Year 8)
Minami (Year 8)
Once the equipment was found Rayner Stephens ready to start activities!
Medical Mavericks delivered some great virtual sessions in lessons, including The Senses Show and The Human Guinea Pig, students also explored their connection to science by exploring what careers in science they could explore. Students also looked at different ways we can connect, including communicating through Morse Code.
All classes during Science Week also took part in building and testing Brooklands Gilders, Year 7 then finished off the week with a glider competition in the courtyard to see how long they could stay in the air. A huge well done to Lilly-anne who came first and Gohar and Darcy who came 2nd and 3rd.
Rayner Stephens were also excited to welcome partner primary school, Broadbent Fold, into school for different activities. Year 5 and 6 students investigated acids and alkalis and used their knowledge to make sherbet.
We loved seeing how engaged students have been during Science Week, a huge thank you to our staff for arranging great activities!