Rayner Stephens Ofsted shows vast improvements

Rayner Stephens High School, which sits in the heart of the community, recently underwent their Ofsted inspection.
Rayner Stephens are delighted that the inspection recognised the significant improvements made across the school and reflected the important changes and developments in all areas since joining Stamford Park Trust.
Inspectors observed that pupils’ behaviour and conduct before and after school, during break, lunchtimes and in lessons has drastically improved since the Trust made changes to the behaviour management systems. Staff use the behaviour systems well consistently and as a result, learning is rarely disrupted by poor behaviour. Pupils in key stage three enjoy the daily ‘family dining’. This helps them to be responsible and maintain a calm routine at lunchtime. The views of staff, parents and carers were also considered, who were all overwhelmingly positive about how well students behave on a daily basis and the positive impact this has on their lessons and learning.
The positive relationships between staff and students were highlighted as a real strength with students saying they feel safe and happy in school, inspectors noted that “Pupils, including those with special education needs and/or disabilities (SEND), are proud and happy to attend Rayner Stephens High School. They value the positive relationships that they have with their teachers” and that “The school is warm and welcoming.”
In addition, the inspection team recognised the wealth of wider opportunities students benefit from which supports their personal development and preparation for the future, which was judged to be good and a real strength of the school, commenting in the report that “Pupils relish the opportunities that promote their wider development.”
The school’s safeguarding processes were also recognised as being effective, with praise for the extensive work done by the school to support students with their wellbeing. The report recognises that “The school ensures that pupils learn about equal opportunities and healthy relationships. As such, pupils understand and appreciate the views of others. Pupils know how to keep themselves safe and how to mitigate risks online and offline.”
The recommendations for improvement identified by the inspection team already form the basis of the next stages in the schools’ improvement strategy, where robust plans were already in place to continue to build on the improvements made. The constructive discussions that were held between the leadership and inspection team only strengthen this further.
Head of School Martin Davies, who’s been in post since September 2022 commented “I’m immensely proud that the inspectors have noted the significant improvements of our school and the many successes our young people have experienced.
We’re delighted that Ofsted has recognised the hard work that has gone into our ‘Excellence and Behaviour for Learning’ systems and the positive impact this has had on teaching and learning.
At Rayner Stephens High School, we have a team of highly skilled and dedicated staff, who are driven by a desire to ensure that we work together to continue to improve our school and provide our young people with the very best in all aspects of their education. This is one that I share, and I am absolutely determined and proud to continue to lead and work collaboratively with all members of our school community to continue to realise our shared vision, and to continue the ongoing improvements across the school.
I’d like to thank all staff, students, and parents for their ongoing support of our school, and we look forward to continuing to work in partnership to continue to improve the areas highlighted in the report.”
Stamford Park Trust CEO Anton McGrath added “Stamford Park Trust is committed to Rayner Stephens High School and to supporting improvements to the overall quality of education at the school. We are pleased that Ofsted recognised the rapid improvement made by staff since the school joined the Trust and the Trust's part in that improvement.
We understand that there is further work to do and we remain committed to ensuring that Rayner Stephens High School becomes a beacon of excellence and ambition for all. The future is bright for both Rayner Stephens High School and Stamford Park Trust as we move through the next stage of our improvement journey together.
On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I would like to thank all members of staff at the school for their dedication and hard work, and also to thank our parents, carers and children for the role they play in our school’s wonderful community. ”
Rayner Stephens High School joined Stamford Park Trust, a Multi-Academy Trust in 2021, giving them bespoke access to unrivalled and unique opportunities to ensure that each and every student is encouraged to reach their potential and realise their ambitions. The school look forward to working in collaboration across the Trust to go from strength to strength.